Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Struck down in my prime! cough cough splutter

Today's pic is Nic at the restaurant at the top of Sauliere yesterday!
Health: how tiresome. I seem to have picked up a buglet of some kind: I'm currently coughing a lot from one lung (mmmm, jelly custard - still, nice to get it out, eh), my eyes are doing that flu thing where it aches when you look towards the edges of your vision... I think yesterday's exertions perhaps pushed something a little over the edge. I did feel a little washed out after the insane lesson I have with Cedric from Magic here in Meribel, but I figured I was just tired... now I'm starting to wonder! :(

I should say more about that lesson with Cedric (who, I have since discovered, has artificial bits in his knees!). As ever, when you go out with someone for a one2one lesson, you can expect to find "a whole new comfort zone", as they say: he definitely found mine. We went up the Sauliere lift and up at the top, coming down into courcheval, he quickly isolated the stuff I was doing wrong, just like I asked. I had a good list of things I wanted fixed, like the feeling I was working way too hard. He quickly noticed my lack of crouching monkey! I should explain. I simply wasn't getting down enough (FUNK!) on steeper slopes so after some corrective surgery on my technique I suddenly hooked it up, and my feet and ankles breathed a sigh of relief (but my thighs started complaining...).

We went on to get 360s out of the way, where you spin on your axis while moving (slowly!) down the slope, I managed to get the hang of ollies a bit (where you use the back end of the board to spring up while moving) - although the ones on the front and back edges are really hard - and I can now board VERY SLOWLY in switch, but I've definitely got a nice selection of moves to practise now. Linking 3 turns then going switch, linking 3 turns then going regular, woohoo! I fell over more often on green runs than I have in 3 years!

Right now though, the weather has closed in (finally!) and we had a little rain down here in the village so I can hope there's more snow up top: the clouds are pretty low so I'm taking a good section of the day off to recover from whatever it is I've caught...